3 Reasons to Install a Water Softener Before Winter

Frigid winter temperatures are right around the corner. As you begin to think about bringing your warm jackets out of storage, it’s also time to ensure your home is ready for the cold temperatures. While you are accustomed to the standard home winterizing projects, this year, you can take things to the next level by installing a water softener. Start by searching “water softener companies near me,” to connect with a water professional in your local area.
Soft water is a gift to yourself that will enhance your comfort in your home. In the season of cozy living, having a water softener system in your home will take things up a notch. Soft water will help ward off dry skin, protect your favorite winter garments, and perhaps even prolong the life of your water heater. Your future self will thank you.
If you have been toying with the idea of investing in a water softener for your home, now is the perfect time. Here are three reasons why.
1. Your Hair and Skin Will Thank You
When the temperatures drop, so does the humidity. The crisp, dry air feels like a nice change, but after weeks on end, the dry air will take a toll on your skin. Hard water only makes the problem worse. One of the most exciting things about installing a water softener is that it removes the minerals from your water that strip the moisture from your skin and hair. The effect is mindblowing.
There is nothing better than a winter bath or shower to warm you through to your bones. The problem is that when you have hard water, that soothing shower will worsen your dry skin and make your hair brittle.
Once you install a water softener, you can enjoy every second of your bath without worrying about the consequences later on. Without the hard minerals in your water, your shampoo, soap, and conditioner will work even better too. Your winter showers will become a delightful experience.
2. Your Winter Clothes Will Last Longer
Winter clothes are often investment pieces. High-quality sweaters and under-layers are key players in keeping you comfortable all winter. Considering the money you invested in your winter wardrobe, you want them to last for many seasons. The best thing you can do for them, especially if you live in an area of hard water, is to ensure you wash them in soft water.
The calcium and magnesium in hard water are destructive to clothes, causing them to fade and look worn before their time. This is especially frustrating when your winter clothes, which tend to be more expensive, don’t last as long as they should. A water softener can extend the life of your most treasured winter layers. Colors will stay vibrant, fabrics will hold up longer, and your detergent will be able to work more efficiently to clean them.
3. Your Appliances Will Run More Efficiently
The systems in your home work harder when winter temperatures hit. You rely on these systems to keep you comfortable. Hard water running through your home will shorten the life of everything it touches. The best chance you have of lengthening the lifespan of your appliances and systems is to install a water softener in your home.
Everything from your pipes to your dishwasher to your water heater can last longer when your water is soft. Without the minerals from hard water, there is less limescale. This buildup notoriously accumulates anywhere it can, leading to clogged water lines, low water pressure, and damaged appliances. The last thing you want is to wake up on a cold winter day and find that you have no hot water due to limescale buildup.
As an added bonus, soft water often increases the energy efficiency of things like dishwashers, washing machines, and water heaters. This means lower utility bills and more money in the bank. The consequences of limescale are far-reaching, and installing a water softener will help you avoid them.
As we turn the corner to yet another winter, now is the time to consider the things that will help you and your family thrive through the cold, dark months. For many homeowners, installing a water softener system is one key to increasing the comfort and liveability of their home. If you are ready to take the leap and have a new water softener installed in your home, it is an easy process that can happen before the weather turns.
After reaching out to your local water expert, they will schedule a time to come to your home and analyze your water quality. They will learn how your family uses water and determine the type of softening and filtration necessary to achieve the water quality you want in your home. From there, they can recommend the ideal system for your home and schedule installation. Installing a water softener only takes a few hours; from there, some minor monthly upkeep is all it takes to keep soft water flowing this winter.

With winter approaching, it’s time to prepare your home for the cold. If you’ve considered a water softener, now is the perfect time. Explore this infographic for three compelling reasons to invest.