We Love Your Feedback

Over the course of our time serving the Greater San Antonio area, we continue to strive to provide you with the best quality water softener and water filtration products at the best value. Along with that, we also want to ensure that you always have the best education and information that we can during every interaction with you, our neighbors and customers. We received an email recently that we want to highlight in this week’s blog because we feel that it can help a lot of people with at least part of their water problems.
The information we got in this email was very enlightening for us and it highlights that as much as we want to give you all the information that you need to make a decision that fits you and your family, we also realize that we are here to be of service. When you live a life, or in our case run a business in service of others, that goes a lot further than one simple transaction.
As always if you would like to leave us a review, simply Google “Alamo Water Softeners” or have a question about our products or services, you can click HERE. The email reads:
To Whom It May Concern,
I recently had an appointment with one of your service reps, Kenny. For the life of me, I could not figure out what was with our water. After years of living in the Stone Oak area, there was recently a noticeable change in our water and how it tasted. I immediately figured that the change had something to do with our current softener system (not an Alamo Water Softener system). Kenny showed up right on time and I showed him our system as well as our filter. He did his review of our system and even tested our water for us. There were two things that jumped straight out that could be our problem. One, our water pressure was too high. We were operating at above 100 psi going into our carbon filter and our softener system. As a new homeowner, we were unaware that anything over 100psi is commercial grade water pressure and because the pressure was so high, the water was moving through our system so fast that it really did not have time to pass through the filter before it got into our system. So because the pressure was so high, our system was not really working the way it was designed to. Given the fact that we are in Stone Oak, we are also getting our water from the new Agua Vista station, like most homes in the Stone Oak area. Given our proximity to the new water treatment facility, we had extremely high levels of chlorine in our water. Kenny explained that as water gets serviced to homes, it loses small amounts of chlorine along the way, but has to have a certain amount of chlorine in it by the time it reaches the furthest area that treatment plant services. This was extremely eye opening for us! Since we are so close, it does not matter that our chlorine has high levels in it, as long as it doesn’t go below the legal amount by the time it reaches that last home in the service area. All in all, we went on to get our pressure valve replaced and we are back to normal pressure levels. We are extremely thankful for Kenny explaining all of these things to us, as it could have caused a much larger plumbing problem in our home. We are lucky that none of our home plumbing pipes burst! We will be in touch with Kenny again soon, looking for that system that best fits our family and our home. So even though we aren’t officially Alamo Water Softeners customers, yet….we always will be.
Many thanks to you and your team. Happy Thanksgiving!
Rebekah J.